Creator Burnout đŸ˜ȘAnd How To Overcome ItđŸ’Ș

#dailyhustler #abbeydawyne #axheladigital

Being a creator means earning a living online doing what you love. But most times that comes with a cost of getting fade up of it and feeling digusted.

🙄What Is a Creator Burn Out?

If you are a creator, then you trully know what I am talking about. It’s not easy to overcome these moments. To some, it comes in a wave of depression and misery and you feel like you want to dispappear from earth into some cave where you can just sit and do nothing. That’s the power of a burn out.

In 2018, YouTuber Elle Mills posted a video detailing how burnout had impacted her ability to share content with her millions of YouTube subscribers. Since then, it’s become common to see videos, tweets, and posts announcing a break due to burnout.

 YouTuber Elle Mills Explains Creator Burn out - Daily hustler Abbey Dawyne Axhela digital

So whatever your reasons are for creating content, whether to grow a personal brand or build an influencer empire, it’s vital to develop systems for avoiding burnout. How?

  • In this article, I provide an answer to that question. We’ll help you identify signs of burnout and share advice from creators like
  • Ali abdaal
  • Thomas Frank. …
  • muchelleb. …
  • Keep Productive. …
  • Productivity Game. …
  • Mariana’s Corner. …
  • Vihan Chelliah and others.

How do you identify a creator burnout?

Whichever the style that it comes to you, the point remains the same,  you lose the motivation for creative output. To prevent it, you must understand what may be happening in your daily routine that might lead you to burnout.

1. Feeling hesitation to post consistently

 It is much easier to get into the trap of feeling like you can be everywhere, you can twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube at the same time, and most times you even try and could be it works for the first week.

Well after that the appetite drops so fast that you feel you no-longer want to do it. That is now the burn out.

Of course, leave room for experimentation, but once you know which platforms work best for you and your audience, be confident in your decision to adopt one or stay away.

2. Running out of Ideas

Running out of ideas - Daily hustler Abbey Dawyne  Axhela Digital

Feeling like you can’t think of new things anymore, Feeling stack at some point X and you feel like you are done. It also creates a laziness of looking up for ideas and at the end of it all your schedules are always postponed or not fulfilled.

I personally faced this, but I was amazed by the Comment from one of my followers. He said,

“Abbey, I don’t really know if you’re going to post any video anymore, but your voice is calm and make things so easy to understand and follow.”

This drug me deeper, and I started thinking of how much more people I may be letting down if I don’t create content anymore, I had taken 8 months without posting any video on YouTube, This is creator burn out.

3. Feeling un productive and Procrastinating a Lot

Feeling this negative energy drugging you down, you set up goals and to do lists and out of 10 you do only 2 and moreover the least important ones. That is a burn out.

The bad news is that if you let your brain get used to it, it may cost you more time to recover form that unproductive mindset.

I made a video of how to create a Productivity system that works just for you

You can check it out here 👉👉 How to be more productive in life.

4.Developing a comparison Syndrome

When burn out knocks on your door, you start comparing yourslef with oter creators, and looking at thier craftr only makes you feel you’re beaten,

The qworst part of it all is that the more you concentrate on their content, the more you cease to create yours-to better yours and so the creativity dies in the process.

But this is never helpful, especially when you only have insights from what they share online. The creative journey is a sprint and rarely has a definite end – growth will happen to everyone even if the paces differ.

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How To Avoid/Overcome Creator Burn Out

It’s not always easy to overcome a burn out and even when you get out on one this month, It doesn’t guarantee you that you won’t get into another one, but let’s discover some ways of how you can overcome a Creator Burnout.

1. Learn to close the stress response cycle

In their book Burnout, sisters Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski describe burnout as a cycle.

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It’s called the stress response cycle, and it implies that our bodies are wired to have a physiological, neurological, and hormonal response to what we perceive as a threat. From our muscles and cardiovascular system firing up to quicker breathing and a spike in endorphins, this is our body’s reaction so it can keep us safe.

Many years ago, this threat came in the form of a lion that wanted to eat us. Today, it’s caused by an overflowing inbox, a stressful interaction with a customer, or a collaboration that flopped.

The issue is that even when we’ve dealt with the stressor, we often haven’t dealt with the stress. Our bodies are “soaked in stress juice, just waiting for some cue that you are now safe from potential threat and can now relax into celebration,” the book explains.

The solution? Closing the stress response cycle. Physical activity (20 to 60 minutes), deep breathing, positive social interactions (even a simple compliment to your local barista counts), laughter, affection, crying, and creative expression all signal to our bodies that we’re safe.

If you leave the cycle open and power through it, it builds up and forces you to do more to complete the cycle—and leads to burnout.

“The goal isn’t to live in a state of perpetual balance and peace and calm; the goal is to move through stress to calm, so that you’re ready for the next stressor, and to move from effort to rest and back again.”

If this speaks to you, I highly recommend this 22-minute talk by the Nagoski sisters, the authors of Burnout:

2. Make deep rest a part of your daily routine

Burnout is a state of exhaustion—emotional, mental, and physical—and you need regular rest to heal from it and prevent it in the future.

Ali Abdaal a content Creator @YouTube and a Podcaster and other titles said in an interview with Randy;

“I almost gave up on my dreams but

waking up everyday so early gave me the energy to keep track, and I also used to take a lot of breaks.”

Rest can look like dedicated lunch breaks, pausing for 10 minutes after an intense work session, and weekends free of work. It’s also regular deep, quality sleep.

Many studies prove we become more creative and productive at work, as well as physically and mentally healthier, when we make sure to pause regularly. It gives us the time to reflect, relax, and let our minds wander.

Essayist and cartoonist Tim Kreider wrote about the ‘busy’ trap back in 2012 and emphasized the importance of idleness:

“Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets. The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, (
) it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.”

The most important point is to make rest intentional. Wudan Yan, a magazine and enterprise reporter, shared this after starting to heal from burnout:

3. Don’t hesitate to take vacation and longer breaks

When you’re a creator, switching off for a week or two might seem impossible.

But if you feel like you’ll burn out, a vacation will help you get some deeper rest and take a step back to reflect on what brought you here (and prevent a full burnout). And if you’re already in it deep, you might need a complete reset, a longer break, to start your healing process and rebuild your schedule and routines from scratch.

Josh Garofalo, a consultant and copywriter for SaaS companies, decided to take 6+ weeks off from client work to rethink everything. He told me his burnout isn’t what he would describe as typical, because it’s not from working too hard or having too many things on his plate.

He explains, “My burnout is a product of comfort and repetition. For six years, I’ve been head down mastering my craft with amazing clients, I’ve done great work, and made more money than I thought was possible. I know how fortunate I am.”

But something changed:

“I began to feel annoyed when prospects would email me because they needed copy. And now that I’ve taken some time to think about my business, I realize that I was annoyed because I’ve outgrown the position I gave myself in 2015. I’m overdue to give myself a promotion, but I don’t yet know what that looks like. It’s one of the main questions I’m grappling with during my break.”

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I am Abbey Dawyne Bukenya and really happy you have read this down to the end. I ❀you.

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Thank you so muchđŸ™â€đŸ‚

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Abbey Bukenya
Abbey Bukenya

Abbey Bukenya is the Founder and CEO of Axhela Digital your ultimate Web and Content Marketing Digital agency based in Entebbe Uganda.

He is a professional digital marketer, food scientist, and tech-savvy. He has worked with a lot of successful companies over the 6 years of his working experience and has gained a lot of knowledge in these fields.

Currently he is running Axhela Digital and Njiya Technologies is always glad to reach him though the contact details on +256 762179048

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